Sunday, 17 August 2014

YSLM Rep Awarded Datoship

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 7, 2014:
The Pahang Sultanate has conferred the title of “Datuk Seri” to the media officer of controversial company YSLM International, owned by self-proclaimed Chinese millionaire Zhang Jian.
Datuk Seri Jessy Lai confirmed that she was among 10 people conferred titles by the Sultan of Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah this morning.
Lai apparently told friends about the news by chat message application WeChat although there were no public announcements in the news or photos of the event on YSLM’s official Facebook page.
Pictures of the title conferment were shared via a Facebook account Malaysia Youth Team.
Lai, who later confirmed receiving the title via a phone conversation with The Rakyat Post, said that she believed that the person who publicly announced her new title on Facebook did so out of joy.
Although Lai knew a month back that she would be conferred the title of “Datuk Seri”, she said did not tell others about it because she was busy handling YSLM matters and wanted to keep a low profile.
She was sure that others would attack her over her title, but she did not want to respond or answer those who accused her of cheating.
Lai said she felt happy and was nervous about receiving the honour and denied that she was conferred the title in Thailand.

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